Wednesday, December 3, 2008

and these are NOT few of her favorite things...

Well now that I did a post on her favorite things how about the things that she dislikes or is absolutely terrified of!

She absolutely hates anything sweet like chocolate, cake, ice cream, etc...
we even tried to give her mini muffins for go!

She is absolutely TERRIFIED of vacuums! She can just see a vacuum and she will either freeze in petrified horror or she will run screaming to her mamaw, pop pop or me. It is sad but so funny at the same time. I don't get it but we try to keep her away from them.

I don't know who this guy is, but I am using it for example...ha! She is not a fan of men. She actually shies away from them and tries to climb off of me so she can get away from them. She of course is a daddy's girl and she loves her pop pop and her uncle Victor, but other men...she is not havin' it! If she is maybe ok with you she will give you high five or knuckles! So cute!

Once again I don't know who these kids are, but need it for example sake...she hate fighting, wrestling, arguing or violence period. If my nephew and I are play fighting, she will get scared and run to give us a hug and try to calm everything down. Even at daycare now if kids are crying or fighting she goes over and gives them hugs. How sweet is that!

This is kind of a love/hate relationship. She loves seeing doggies and everytime she sees a picture of one or sees one out the window, she automatically screams "woof"! But if they get near her she goes a running! She is so timid and shy it is too cute! I could just eat her up.

This is actually one of her favorite things I left off of the list yesterday. She loves this book like none other. She sees cows now and it is "moo moo"! It is a pop up book and pull out tabs so if you have little ones you should try to find it!


ariel said...

Thanks for sharing! Very interesting to hear things children like and dislike. It'll be neat to see how many of her dislikes become likes over time!

Meagan said...

So cute! I can't believe she hates sweets - that's kind of cool.

As for the not liking men thing... I think you'll like that in a few years, but it might be wearing off by her teenage years! lol.

Lauren said...

What a little lovebug! She could be Miss America!